84 thoughts on “About

  1. I want to tell you many things, but i do not want to abuse your time, so i’ll be very brief; i love Florence, i love Tuscany, i love Italy, i love your blog!!!


      1. Italy is our country, those who love history, culture, art! Tuscany and Florence means rebirth of the human spirit from the ashes of Middle Ages, and it means a part of how i think and feel. For this reason, i’m florentine citizen like you. Unfortunately the town is small and we can not live there, all together. Because there is no space for my, i come home rarely. Just how to turn on the light of my spirit from Dante, Boccaccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Machiavelli, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, Donatello, Galileo Galilei, Catherine de’ Medici, Antonio Meucci, Guccio Gucci, Salvatore Ferragamo, Roberto Cavalli, Florence Nightingale, Emilio Pucci…When you go on travel, you must to tell me, for to take your place until you return! 😀

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  2. Just discovered your beautiful photography after you kindly followed my blog. Thank you so much! ☺ I am looking forward to following your posts! Best wishes from Western Australia. ☺


  3. Your land is full of sunshine and your blog full of love for it. Thanks for sharing! I think I’ll follow so when I am under the grey skies of winter I can enjoy your sunshine. 😀


  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love Italy, so I am enjoying your photos. I assume I will be adding many more Italian places to my “to visit” list after browsing your blog 😀


      1. Thank you 🙂 I have visited some places, luckily. But there are so many to still see. I also started to learn Italian. Maybe one day I’ll leave a comment to your blog in Italian 😀


  5. Hey, thank you for visiting me blog. I was in your city three weeks back and I absolutely love it. Florence is so pretty and the best part is food!


  6. How lovely to meet you Martina. Thanks for visiting thechangingpalette. If you explore it some more you will see how much of an Italophile I am. I look forward to exploring yours and following you in the coming months. With best wishes 🙂


  7. Hi Martina, I am lucky enough to have traveled to Florence and you have a beautiful city there. You are lucky to have so many things to photograph. I will look forward to seeing your pictures. All the best.


    1. You’re right! It is always a pleasure to walk around here…the centre is an open air museum with masterpieces everywhere! I really like your pictures, I’d love to visit Sidney someday 🙂

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  8. Beautiful imagery Martina! Even though I’m based in london, Italy is like my second home as my Husband and I got married on the Amalfi Coast last year. I thoroughly enjoy what your blog has to offer – from your new follower 😀


    1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad you liked my photos 🙂 Wow, the Amalfi Coast is such a wonderful location for a wedding! Have a nice week end 🙂


  9. Beautiful blog. Maybe one day I will visit Italy but for now, I dream of it. I look forward to following you!😃


  10. Cara Martina, I will be visiting Rome in May this year. I have already been there and saw the most important monuments. With my next visit I would like to search for other – not so obvious – places. Some little hidden treasures that can be discovered when you have a bit more time. Can you suggest any such places (buildings, gardens, streets…)? Grazie.


  11. Nice to meet you, Martina! Your blog is breathtaking, pictures are so professional, it is the Paradise for my unprofessional eyes! Thank you for dropping by and visiting my blog! I am honored!


    1. You’re too kind! Thank you so much! It is really a pleasure to meet people who share my passion for photography! Thank you for stopping by 🙂 I’m honored too 🙂

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  12. Your photos are absolutely amazing! I follow quite a few blogs and your talent is obvious (I’m an amateur for sure, but I feel I’ve seen a ton of travel photos!). I am going to sit and enjoy them for a while here this evening, but no matter how many I “like,” I actually like many, many more!


    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment! It means a lot to me 🙂 I really love your blog, your pictures are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing them 🙂 It is a pleasure to follow your blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. You have a truly amazing blog, Martina, so many inspiring photographs. You are blessed to live in a beautiful city like Firenze. I visited it a lot when I lived in Genova many years ago. L’Italia mi manca sempre….Marcus


    1. You’re so kind! Thank you so much 🙂 Your photographs are breathtaking, It is always a pleasure to read your posts! You’re right, Firenze is so beautiful! I didn’t know you lived in Genova, it is a lovely city too! Hope I’ll get the chance to visit Nuremberg one day 🙂 Have a wonderful week!

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